
Affirmation Cards

Do you ever wonder what gifts to buy for a loved one?

If you're having trouble finding the right gift for a loved one or a treat for yourself then you've come to the right place.

Done Gratefully is all about providing products that encourage good self-esteem and help regulate all those negative thoughts that seep into our consciousness.

Times can be difficult right now. Having fun and uplifting props to spur on those enlightened thoughts that keep us motivated, connected, and happy can make all the difference.

This is a small family business. I find that I need uplifting, positive reminders to help keep me inspired and hopeful. The creation of the Affirmation Cards, Wall Art, and other like minded products are my contribution to help manifest hope, faith, and happiness.

I hope you find comfort, fun, and a sense of gratitude by using these products. They come from the heart.

Done Gratefully,

Char Hall